A bright glance attracts interest! Lively and alert eyes, along with beautiful lips, are the points of attraction in a pretty face! With increasing age the skin of the eyelids looses elasticity, the fine muscles around the eyes are less tense and small fat bags may become apparent. One looks kind of tired! Dark circles under the eyes and puffy eyes in the morning exaggerate this impression. Sometimes the excessive skin on the upper eyelid interferes with vision especially when coupled with a sunken lid or drooping eyebrows. This constellation can be greatly helped by an upper lid blepharoplasty or lifting.
How is this done?
During an upper lid blepharoplasty, the excessive skin, weakened muscles and visible fat bags are all precisely excised with scalpel and fine scissors. After carefully stopping all small bleeding points, the deeper tissue layers are readapted and the skin is closed with very fine sutures. The suture is protected with thin Steri-Strips. This surgical procedure is always done simultaneously on both eyes to insure a maximum of symmetry.
Is anaesthesia necessary?
A blepharoplasty can be done under local anaesthesia and on an outpatient basis. Some patients prefer to be placed in a twilight sleep. This is recommended for all patients who are anxious or restless. This is a kind of comfort.
What happens after that?
You will not be able to drive home by yourself, even if the procedure was performed under local anesthesia alone and on an outpatient basis. The lid region is clearly swollen after the procedure. Light pressure with compresses and repeated application of cooling goggles accelerate the reduction of swelling in the first hours or days after the operation. You should take it easy, and keep your head slightly elevated when sleeping.
You will not be able to drive home by yourself, even if the procedure was performed under local anesthesia alone and on an outpatient basis. The lid region is clearly swollen after the procedure. Light pressure with compresses and repeated application of cooling goggles accelerate the reduction of swelling in the first hours or days after the operation. You should take it easy, and keep your head slightly elevated when sleeping. An eye ointment keeps the suture and the tissue soft. The stitches are removed during the check-up on the 5th day after surgery. Especially after that, it is important to be very careful with the upper eyelid – no rubbing or washing! After 3-4 weeks, the tissue is completely stable. Bruising and swelling may accompany you for the first 2 weeks. Sunglasses are perfect to protect from prying eyes, and sun or wind. You can resume normal daily and professional activities after 14 days, sports may have to wait a little longer. Upper eyelid lifiting must be planned! The aesthetic result is checked after 3-4 months at the earliest. Even at this time, subtle swellings may still persist, but will slowly and completely recede.
Which combinations are reasonable?
Dynamic face lines may benefit from regular treatment with botulinum – the beneficial botulinum prophylaxis. In addition, a slight elevation of the eyebrows can be achieved with botulinum, producing a more alert and open facial expression. Deep eye rings can be corrected with hyaluronic acid fillers. Additional improvement in the skin surface on the lower lid and around laugh wrinkles can be achieved with PRP treatment and the Hyaluronic-Skin-Booster.
If there is additionally excessive skin of the lower lids, or unattractive eye bags are present there, a lower lid blepharoplasty is the treatment of choice.
What else can you do?
A good, moisturizing eye care makes the achieved results even more durable. In summer, additional sun protection factor should be applied and sunglasses worn regularly.
The result
I look forward to give you my recommendations in a personal consultation. If you wish, I can also show you exemplary before / after treatment pictures of upper lid blepharoplasty.